Early warning signals of drought-induced tree mortality in Amazon forests Theme(s): Ecosystem processes, dynamics and functioning Primary Supervisor: David Galbraith <d.r.galbraith@leeds.ac.uk>
Investigating the co-evolution of Congo River channels and Peatlands Theme(s): Sedimentology, geomorphology and basin analysis Primary Supervisor: Mark Trigg Institution: University of Leeds (Civil Engineering)
Unravelling the Mysteries of Atmospheric Methane using Satellite Data, Machine Learning, and Data Assimilation Theme(s): Air Quality, Atmospheric Physics, Climate Impacts Primary Supervisor: Dr. Sandip Dhomse <S.S.Dhomse@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)
Do heatwaves increase rock fall risk? Theme(s): Applied geoscience, Climate Impacts Primary Supervisor: Dr Ryan Kromer
Rapid damage assessment for earthquakes from synthetic aperture radar and machine learning Theme(s): Applied geoscience, Tectonics, volcanology and solid Earth geophysics Primary Supervisor: Prof Tim Wright
Quantifying Spatial Variations in the Geomechanical Properties of Hydrothermally Altered Volcanic Domes Using Hyperspectral Imaging Theme(s): Tectonics, volcanology and solid Earth geophysics Primary Supervisor: Dr Mark Thomas <M.E.Thomas@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)
Internet of Things (IoT) based monitoring of changing environmental conditions and their effects on soil, water and air quality Theme(s): Air Quality, Climate, Climate Impacts, Meteorology Primary Supervisor: Vasilis Sarhosis <v.sarhosis@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (Civil Engineering )
Imaging volcanoes and tectonic strain build-up in 3-D from space Theme(s): Tectonics, volcanology and solid Earth geophysics Primary Supervisor: Andy Hooper <a.hooper@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)
Measuring the climate-smart practices using crop modelling, machine learning and remote sensing Theme(s): Climate, Climate Impacts Primary Supervisor: Prof Andrew Challinor Institution: School of Earth and Environment
The fingerprint of environmental change in the fluvial-aeolian sedimentary record Theme(s): Applied geoscience, Climate Impacts, Palaeoenvironments and palaeontology, Sedimentology, geomorphology and basin analysis Primary Supervisor: Professor Nigel Mountney <n.p.mountney@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)