Localized hazardous weather events within extratropical cyclones Theme(s): Atmosphere and Climate, Atmospheric Physics, Climate, Climate Impacts, Meteorology Primary Supervisor: Prof Doug Parker
Understanding climate change in African rainfall via a new generation of high-resolution models Theme(s): Climate, Meteorology Primary Supervisor: John Marsham Institution: School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds
The impact of irrigation on local weather Theme(s): Meteorology Primary Supervisor: Dr Andrew Ross <A.N.Ross@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of leeds (Earth and Environment)
Investigating the dynamics of rapidly intensifying tropical cyclones in Southeast Asia (CASE award) Theme(s): Meteorology Primary Supervisor: Juliane Schwendike <j.schwendike@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment))
Layering in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Theme(s): Applied geoscience, Earth Processes Primary Supervisor: David Hughes <d.w.hughes@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (Mathematics)
How cosmic dust particles impact on stratospheric aerosol and chemistry Theme(s): Atmosphere and Climate, Atmospheric Physics, Climate Primary Supervisor: Wuhu Feng (w.feng@ncas.ac.uk)
A revolutionary new Lagrangian model for convective clouds Theme(s): Atmospheric Physics, Climate, Meteorology Primary Supervisor: Steven Boeing
Cold-air pooling in mountainous terrain – improving weather and climate prediction models with new observational data Theme(s): Air Quality, Atmosphere and Climate, Atmospheric Physics, Climate, Meteorology Primary Supervisor: Charles Chemel <charles.chemel@ncas.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (National Centre for Atmospheric Science)
Machine learning for understanding European climate extremes Theme(s): Atmosphere and Climate, Atmospheric Physics, Climate Primary Supervisor: Dr Ioana Colfescu