Localized hazardous weather events within extratropical cyclones Theme(s): Atmosphere and Climate, Atmospheric Physics, Climate, Climate Impacts, Meteorology Primary Supervisor: Prof Doug Parker
Climate impacts from water-rich large-magnitude volcanic eruptions Theme(s): Atmospheric Physics, Climate, Climate Impacts Primary Supervisor: Dr Graham Mann <g.mann@see.leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds
The Rainforest is on fire! – Assessing the impact of peatland fires on human health in a changing climate Theme(s): Air Quality Primary Supervisor: Dr Jim McQuaid <J.B.McQuaid@leeds.ac.uk>
The impact of irrigation on local weather Theme(s): Meteorology Primary Supervisor: Dr Andrew Ross <A.N.Ross@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of leeds (Earth and Environment)
Exploring the value of regional decadal climate prediction for adaptation planning Theme(s): Climate Primary Supervisor: Susanne Lorenz <s.lorenz@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)
Investigating the dynamics of rapidly intensifying tropical cyclones in Southeast Asia (CASE award) Theme(s): Meteorology Primary Supervisor: Juliane Schwendike <j.schwendike@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment))
Atmospheric chemistry of reactive trace species through direct real-time measurements Theme(s): Air Quality, Atmosphere and Climate Primary Supervisor: Dr Daniel Stone <d.stone@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Chemistry)
Alternative Earths and their habitability for complex life Theme(s): Chemistry of the Earth Primary Supervisor: Professor Benjamin Mills <B.Mills@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)
How cosmic dust particles impact on stratospheric aerosol and chemistry Theme(s): Atmosphere and Climate, Atmospheric Physics, Climate Primary Supervisor: Wuhu Feng (w.feng@ncas.ac.uk)
Exploiting state-of-the-art geostationary satellite data to investigate Asian & North American air quality Theme(s): Air Quality Primary Supervisor: Dr Richard Pope <r.j.pope@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)