Disentangling Responses of boreal ecosystems to climate change Theme(s): Aquatic/terrestrial/soil biogeochemistry, Climate Impacts, Ecosystem processes, dynamics and functioning, Hydrology Primary Supervisor: Manuel Gloor <e.gloor@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: School of Geography, University of Leeds
Examining the changing inluence of global wildfires using new satellite observations of carbon monoxide Theme(s): Atmosphere and Climate, Climate, Climate Impacts Primary Supervisor: Dr Chris Wilson <c.wilson@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth & Environment)
Rooting the Northern Forest: soil and woodland dynamics across northern England Theme(s): Applied ecology, ecosystem services and conservation, Ecosystem processes, dynamics and functioning, Living World, Palaeoenvironments and palaeontology Primary Supervisor: Dr M Jane Bunting <m.j.bunting@hull.ac.uk> Institution: University of Hull (School of Environmental Science)
Science for policy and policy for science at the frontier of conservation biology Theme(s): Applied ecology, ecosystem services and conservation Primary Supervisor: Prof George Holmes <G.Holmes@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment)
What is the fate of forests on a warming planet? Assessing climate sensitivity of tree species using tree rings. Theme(s): Ecosystem processes, dynamics and functioning Primary Supervisor: Roel Brienen <r.brienen@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Geography)