Himalayan glacier retreat: impacts on river ecosystems Theme(s): Applied ecology, ecosystem services and conservation, Aquatic/terrestrial/soil biogeochemistry, Ecosystem processes, dynamics and functioning, Glacial/Cryosphere, Hydrology, Population, community and behavioural ecology Primary Supervisor: Prof Lee Brown <l.brown@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Geography)
Reducing GHG emissions from agriculture Theme(s): Applied ecology, ecosystem services and conservation, Aquatic/terrestrial/soil biogeochemistry Primary Supervisor: Dr Richard Grayson
Valuing Green Infrastructure for a Well adapted UK Theme(s): Applied ecology, ecosystem services and conservation, Climate, Climate Impacts Primary Supervisor: David Dawson <D.A.Dawson@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Civil Engineering)
Adaptation to extreme environmental change: Consequences of multiple stressors for species interactions and extinction risk Theme(s): Living World, Population, community and behavioural ecology Primary Supervisor: Steven Sait <s.m.sait@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Biology)
Metacommunity dynamics, land-use strategies, and ecosystem services Theme(s): Applied ecology, ecosystem services and conservation Primary Supervisor: David Williams <d.r.williams@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)