Anthropogenic stressors and freshwater ecosystems; the impact of plastic pollution, climate change and invasive alien species on invertebrate behaviour and community structure. Theme(s): Applied ecology, ecosystem services and conservation, Ecosystem processes, dynamics and functioning, Population, community and behavioural ecology Primary Supervisor: Professor Alison M. Dunn <> Institution: University of Leeds (Biology )
Investigating the co-evolution of Congo River channels and Peatlands Theme(s): Sedimentology, geomorphology and basin analysis Primary Supervisor: Mark Trigg Institution: University of Leeds (Civil Engineering)
When the levee breaks: modelling fluvial overbank processes to predict pollution patterns Theme(s): Sedimentology, geomorphology and basin analysis Primary Supervisor: Prof David Hodgson <> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)
Assessing the impacts of floodplain rehabilitation on fish population dynamics: a novel approach using conventional fish surveys, biotelemetry and biochemical analysis Theme(s): Applied ecology, ecosystem services and conservation, Living World, Population, community and behavioural ecology Primary Supervisor: Andy Nunn <> Institution: University of Hull
Himalayan glacier retreat: impacts on river ecosystems Theme(s): Applied ecology, ecosystem services and conservation, Aquatic/terrestrial/soil biogeochemistry, Ecosystem processes, dynamics and functioning, Glacial/Cryosphere, Hydrology, Population, community and behavioural ecology Primary Supervisor: Prof Lee Brown <> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Geography)
Investigating, understanding and visualising floods through the Wetropolis Flood Investigator Theme(s): Applied geoscience Primary Supervisor: Onno Bokhove <> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Mathematics)
Hydrologically-informed estimates of malaria transmission Theme(s): Climate Impacts, Hydrology Primary Supervisor: Dr Mark Smith <> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Geography)
Large-scale export of aquatic carbon from peatlands Theme(s): Aquatic/terrestrial/soil biogeochemistry Primary Supervisor: Professor Joseph Holden <> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Geography)
Fountains and rain: Improved nowcasting techniques to help adapt heritage landscapes to changing rainfall patterns Theme(s): Applied ecology, ecosystem services and conservation, Climate Impacts, Hydrology, Sedimentology, geomorphology and basin analysis Primary Supervisor: Dr Gareth Keevil <>
The fingerprint of environmental change in the fluvial-aeolian sedimentary record Theme(s): Applied geoscience, Climate Impacts, Palaeoenvironments and palaeontology, Sedimentology, geomorphology and basin analysis Primary Supervisor: Professor Nigel Mountney <> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)