Variability of basin-related mineralisation in Northern England and Southern Scotland Theme(s): Applied geoscience, Chemistry of the Earth, Earth Processes Primary Supervisor: Dr Phillip Murphy <>
Sediment – structure interactions in the development of the Alpine foredeep Theme(s): Applied geoscience, Sedimentology, geomorphology and basin analysis, Tectonics, volcanology and solid Earth geophysics Primary Supervisor: Dr Adam McArthur
Translating magma intrusion into volcano deformation Theme(s): Tectonics, volcanology and solid Earth geophysics Primary Supervisor: Dr Craig Magee <> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)
How do complex fault geometries influence earthquake cycle deformation? Theme(s): Tectonics, volcanology and solid Earth geophysics Primary Supervisor: Dr Laura Gregory <> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)