Which anthropogenic aerosol particles create ice in clouds and alter climate? Theme(s): Atmosphere and Climate, Atmospheric Physics, Climate Primary Supervisor: Prof Ben Murray <b.j.murray@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)
The Rainforest is on fire! – Assessing the impact of peatland fires on human health in a changing climate Theme(s): Air Quality Primary Supervisor: Dr Jim McQuaid <J.B.McQuaid@leeds.ac.uk>
Suppression of air pollution via aerosol mediated removal of peroxy radicals Theme(s): Air Quality, Atmosphere and Climate Primary Supervisor: Professor Dwayne Heard <d.e.heard@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Chemistry)
Lava-ignited wildfires dynamics and emissions Theme(s): Air Quality, Atmosphere and Climate, Earth Processes, Ecosystem processes, dynamics and functioning, Living World, Tectonics, volcanology and solid Earth geophysics Primary Supervisor: Dr Evgenia Ilyinskaya <e.ilyinskaya@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: Institute of Geophysics and Tectonics (School of Earth and Envrionment, University of Leeds)
How cosmic dust particles impact on stratospheric aerosol and chemistry Theme(s): Atmosphere and Climate, Atmospheric Physics, Climate Primary Supervisor: Wuhu Feng (w.feng@ncas.ac.uk)
Understanding the atmospheric composition over the Southern Ocean. Theme(s): Air Quality, Climate Primary Supervisor: Mathew Evans <mat.evans@york.ac.uk> Institution: University of York (Chemistry )
A revolutionary new Lagrangian model for convective clouds Theme(s): Atmospheric Physics, Climate, Meteorology Primary Supervisor: Steven Boeing
Future aviation climate impacts: the role of aerosol emissions Theme(s): Climate Primary Supervisor: Dr Alex Rap <a.rap@leeds.ac.uk> Institution: University of Leeds (School of Earth and Environment)