Evaluating wind gust biases in high resolution weather forecasts

Project Description

The Met Office is moving towards running weather forecasts with a horizontal resolution of less than 1km in order to better represent high impact weather such as thunderstorms. One important aspect to forecast is the strength of wind gusts as these can have important impacts on aviation, road traffic (particularly high sided vehicles) and can lead to damage to buildings and trees. There is some anecdotal evidence that these new high resolution forecasts overpredict wind gusts. This project will seek to evaluate this more systematically using observations and high resolution forecasts from the Wescon field campaign which took place last summer and to explore under what conditions any overpredictions occur. The student will join a team working on related topics here in Leeds and have the opportunity to contribute to group meetings as well as interacting with Met Office research staff who are developing the new forecast capabilities. Some programming skills will be required (ideally python). The student will get the opportunity to develop their data analysis skills and will gain an insight into university research and how this can feed into societal impacts.

Supervisor & Contact

Andrew Ross, A.N.Ross@leeds.ac.uk

How to Apply

  1. Complete the online REP application form, one for each project of interest, including a copy of your CV.
  2. Complete the EDI form (only one is needed, you do not need to submit more than one if you apply for multiple projects).  Although this is optional, if places are over-subscribed, preference will be given to under-represented groups.