Do NFM interventions lower flood risk at Fountains Abbey?

Project Description

The River Skell runs through Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The NERC-funded Yorkshire iCASP programme are working with the National Trust and Nidderdale National Landscape, as part of the Skell Valley Project, to understand the impact of natural flood management (NFM) interventions on water level and sediment load. Monitoring undertaken as part of this project (Precipitation, River level and Turbidity) shows the River Skell to be flood prone. The River Skell poses multiple problems, as well as the flood risk, as it carries large volumes of sediment. This sediment contributes to a reduction in water quality, causes siltation of ponds associated with the World Heritage Site, and further increases the risk of flooding and pollution of floodplains. The Skell Valley Project is addressing some of these issues through the use of NFM. In parallel, a Payment by Results framework is being established to reward landowners for delivering effective flood and sediment management on their land, making farm businesses more resilient.

As part of this programme of activity we are offering a Panorama DTP placement that will support ongoing trials that are assessing Earth Observation methods aimed at monitoring the effectiveness of NFM interventions. The monitoring employs a range of methods, drone imagery to build repeat photogrammetric models, handheld LIDAR surveys and the deployment of time-lapse cameras. The aim of the project is to assess the suitability of the chosen methods for quantifying reduction in flood risk and sediment capture. The project will include data collection, analysis, visualisation and presentation to research partners. The placement will be based in the Sorby Environmental Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Leeds.

Supervisor & Contact

Gareth Keevil,

How to Apply

  1. Complete the online REP application form, one for each project of interest, including a copy of your CV.
  2. Complete the EDI form (only one is needed, you do not need to submit more than one if you apply for multiple projects).  Although this is optional, if places are over-subscribed, preference will be given to under-represented groups.