Summer Placements 2024

We are now accepting applications for our Summer research experience placements for 2024!

Paid 6 week Summer Projects for Undergraduate/Integrated Masters students

The Panorama DTP is running the NERC funded research experience placements again in Summer 2024.

The NERC REPs scheme aims to encourage students to consider a career in environmental sciences through funding to support paid summer placements for undergraduate students.

The scheme provides 6 paid research placements over the Summer (June/July/August).

You will be made an employee of the hosting organisation and receive a salary at Grade 3 level (above national living wage) for the duration of the placement.


Applicants  must be:

  • undertaking their first undergraduate degree studies (or integrated Masters). Note: students in their final year who have graduated and no longer have student status at the time of the placement start are not eligible
  • eligible for subsequent NERC PhD funding
    Please note this guidance should be read in conjunction with the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) training grant terms and conditions and guidance documents.

Research projects

REP student projects will:

  • have a clearly defined objective
  • be within the science remit of NERC
  • be feasible for  completion within the 6 weeks
  • include more than purely a computer or modelling component. That is, some element of fieldwork, data collection, activity to give an understanding of the wider context including participation in lab or team meetings, networking and training and so on
  • give scope for thought and initiative
  • be based at the University of Leeds


Please click here for details of this year’s REP projects and information on how to apply

The deadline for applications is 10:00 3 June