Alejandro Romero Prieto (he/him)


Man kneeling on the ground planting saplings

I am a PGR based in the School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds working with Dr. Chris Smith, Dr. Camilla Mathison (Met Office) and Prof. Piers Forster, investigating simple climate models and their representation of the carbon cycle. In particular, we are developing the new iteration of Finite Amplitude Impulse Response (FaIR) model, see

Before co

ming to Leeds to do my PhD I worked as a software engineer for several years. Previously, I completed my Masters in Computational Applied Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh at my undergraduate degree in Physics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

My professional interests lie in the intersection between physics, mathematics, software engineering and environmental science. In particular, the different ways we can use our mathematical and physical models to estimate future climate. Outside work I like spending my time learning new languages, watching musicals, complaining about the awful British weather and going out on hikes when I can’t complain about it.


2018 – 2019: Masters in Computational Applied Mathematics from the University of Edinburgh
2014 – 2018: Undergraduate in Physics from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Research Interests

Climate modelling
Simple climate models
Carbon cycle
Bayesian mathematics

Project Title

Efficient Emulation of Earth System Processes for Climate Adaptation and Mitigation


Dr. Chris Smith, Dr. Camilla Mathison (Met Office) and Prof. Piers Forster

Project outline

The main objective of my project is to develop the FaIR simple climate model, along with our partners at the Met Office. Currently, we are working on developing a new carbon cycle that will eventually be coupled with FaIR. In the future, we may include some other Earth system feedbacks like permafrost thawing or methane wetland release. Alternatively, we may want to explore the possibility of coupling our global climate model with other regional models or integrate assessment models.


Twitter: @ARP_Climate (